The emerging masterplan
We are drawing on our experience of successfully designing, building and managing Mercia Park to make the proposals the best they can be.
The current proposals are ‘landscape-led’, mirroring the successful approach adopted for Mercia Park.
The layout has been designed to minimise the impact within the wider landscape, limiting the removal of existing trees and hedgerows and creating large areas of new amenity for future occupiers and local residents.
The whole of the northern field will be retained as part of the proposed landscape. It retains screening trees to the north as well as the mature oaks to the west and the hedgerows that form this parcel of land. The creation of woodland blocks, shelter belts, ponds and additional native scrub planting help to provide both screening and also valuable habitat creation.
A new 3-arm roundabout on the A444 north of the motorway junction will provide vehicular access to the site. Mercia Park would be connected by new active travel crossing points over the A444 to the north and south of the site, so that future occupiers will be within a reasonable walking and cycling distance of the bus stop at Mercia Park.
New amenity areas and walking routes would be created which would connect into the already established routes within Mercia Park as well as the wider area.
The site layout includes two development zones. One will accommodate a new circa 600,000 sq ft building for DSV.
The development zone to the north will be capable of accommodating a second building to attract other occupiers. The detailed design for any building here will need to be approved by the Council through future applications for the approval of “reserved matters” although will be controlled through “parameters” such as maximum building height.
The expansion would maintain the density of Mercia Park, with 37% of the site area provided as enhanced and accessible green and blue infrastructure.
Our planning application
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