Landscaping & ecology
Our proposals are supported by a detailed Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, which provides an objective assessment of the likely impact of the development on the local landscape.
We have identified appropriate mitigation measures and our landscape strategy is informed by our work at Mercia Park. This proposed approach to landscape and ecology would see 37 per cent of the site retained as green spaces and water features to create a mosaic of different habitat types:
- Areas of woodland planting / buffers on boundaries of the site
- Retaining and protecting existing scrub, hedgerows and trees
- Planting new species-rich native hedgerows
- Developing wetland and marginal habitats around drainage pools and swales
These measures will provide a variety of habitat types which offer a range of new homes for wildlife, and would deliver an on site biodiversity net gain of at least 10 per cent, meaning that the development will enhance biodiversity compared to the existing position.
Illustrative view from A444 showing new access roundabout and DSV building, with planting at year 1. Click image to enlarge
Illustrative view from A444 showing new access roundabout and DSV building, with planting at year 1. Pinch to zoom
Illustrative view from A42 (southbound), with planting at year 1. Click image to enlarge
Illustrative view from A42 (southbound), with planting at year 1. Pinch to zoom
Illustrative view from A42, with planting at year 1. Click image to enlarge
Illustrative view from A42, with planting at year 1. Pinch to zoom
Illustrative view from A444 (northbound) showing existing layby, with planting at year 1. Click image to enlarge
Illustrative view from A444 (northbound) showing existing layby, with planting at year 1. Pinch to zoom
Illustrative view from A444 (southbound), with planting at year 1. Click image to enlarge
Illustrative view from A444 (southbound), with planting at year 1. Pinch to zoom
Illustrative view showing new internal site road, with planting at year 1. Click image to enlarge
Illustrative view showing new internal site road, with planting at year 1. Pinch to zoom
Our planning application
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